Permanent weight loss requires mind set change


Nothing gives me more pleasure than bumping into my old clients and seeing that they are still maintaining healthy weight and attitude!

As we all know, that is not always the case, and most of the time people struggle with maintenance. In one of my earlier articles I wrote about common causes of relapse. Today I want to address the most important factor in succesful and permanent weight loss: POSITIVE MIND SET!

Positive mind set prepares you for the journey and sets you up for success!

â–·The most common attitude associated with weight loss is :” Ooh, I have to go on a diet!?. This attitude is destined to fail!

So what you need to do is focus on positive aspects of weight loss journey. For example remind yourself how great you will feel fitting into smaller size clothes, or just feeling fitter. Also focus on health benefits of weight reduction. Remind yourself that you are your children’s idol, they look up at you, they learn from you. What do you want to teach them? Also, don’t focus on the food you can’t eat. Rather be excited about the new recipes you will learn along the way.

Start with the right attitude and be excited about the journey!
